Chaplain's Corner
February - Love Yourself
The idea of loving yourself can sometimes be misconstrued as a selfish and prideful act. We would have to evaluate closely as to why Jesus said that the second greatest commandment is “You shall love your neighbor as yourself” (Mark 12:31a). How do we love ourselves in order to love others?
Selfish or self-centered love focuses on desiring what we think is best for ourselves and not taking others into consideration. On the flip side, loving ourselves from a Biblical perspective is based on Christ being the center of our lives. It means that we ought to be desiring God’s will and purpose for our lives. It means recognizing and wanting God’s best for our lives. It means having compassion and looking to the interest of others (Phil. 2:3-4).
It is sad to hear someone say that they are unable to love themselves because of their guilt and shame of what they have done in the past. It hinders them from being able to love themselves. Sometimes, it is a person’s low self-esteem that hinders them from loving themselves. Thus, spiraling down towards feeling unworthy of God’s love and forgiveness. Some have not been able to love others, because they have not embraced the fact that the sacrifice of Christ makes them holy in the sight of God.
While we may look at ourselves as unworthy and unlovable, God declares his love for us and sees the potential we have in him and through him. Likewise, we ought to love ourselves the way God loves us. We ought to set aside the negative thoughts and emotions about ourselves and the past. We ought to embrace the love and forgiveness God.
Understanding God’s love empowers us to love others in the same manner. We will be compassionate and merciful with others. We will value others above
ourselves and look to the interest of others.
ACPM would like to thank everyone who donated to the ministry through the Adams County Community Foundation Giving Spree. The foundation received over $3.6 million in gifts. Endowment gifts also increased from last year. ACPM was blessed to receive $20,022 in gifts this year and almost $10,000 in endowment gifts.
Soon approaching is the “Celebration of Grace” Sunday event, which is on April 27, 2025; the Sunday after Easter. Once again, we invite churches and organizations in Adams County and surrounding counties to save the date. Celebrate the grace and mercy of God towards inmates and their families by setting aside time in their worship services to pray specifically for those incarcerated; to come to the Lord’s Table in Communion in honor of inmates; and to consider a special offering to support the ministry of ACPM at Adams County Adult Correctional Complex.
Participant packets for “Celebration of Grace” Sunday will be made available next month.

Many thanks to Conewago Enterprises for their generous contribution and to Jersey Mike's for allowing us to conduct a fundraiser in December.
We are truly grateful for your support and generosity towards this ministry. Continue to pray for ACPM and the volunteers that make ministry happen at both ACACC and in the community.
ACPM is currently transitioning from our current online donation financial institution to a new one. Please be patient as we make this transition.
Articles from the Web
As U.S. holds world record for imprisonment, churches increase prison ministries
From BaptistNews.com
This article describes some obstacles to prison ministry and why it is so necessary

What does the Bible say about prison ministry?
From Prisonfellowship.org
"If Jesus were on earth today, would we find Him in prisons?"
Christians Should Care for Prisoners
From Relevent Magazine
Read about the myths that may keep us from wanting to reach out to inmates
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Who We Are
We are a non-profit Christian Ministry that serves inmates in the Adams County area of Pennsylvania. Our team is made up of both paid staff and volunteers with a heart for sharing Christ with those who are incarcerated...

What We Do
We purpose to share Christ with our brothers and sisters in the Adams County Adult Correctional Complex in many ways, such as offering worship services, mentoring and discipleship, and distributing Bibles...

How You Can Too!
Check out our past and upcoming events to see the different ways you can get involved in Adams Christian Prison Ministries. Also, be sure to follow us on Facebook to stay up to date on our new announcements!